The Price of Excellence is Discipline!

REVIVAL Medical Weight Loss Clinic Specifics
- Clinically Proven Results
- Specialized Medical Weight Loss Team composed of doctors, PA-Cs and nutritionists.
- Customized Weight Loss Plans
- On Average patients lose 6-10 lbs in the first month
- Empowers patients to make a lifestyle change
- Improves quality of life
- Increases life expectancy
- B12 Lipotropic injections to accelerate weight loss
- The most highly trained staff on the east coast
Are you ready to start achieving your weight loss goals? Would you like additional information?
1508 Military Cutoff Road
Suite 203
Wilmington, NC 28043


“After trying everything under the sun, I was so thankful to have found REVIVAL Medical Weight Loss Clinic. They customized my entire treatment plan based on my goals. I lost 8lbs the first month. In addition, they provide excellent support. Professional, caring, compassionate medical team. I will never go anywhere else.”